About Us

IMG_5211W.I.G found its beginnings in 1984 as a retail garden shop in Burnaby. In 1987 we moved to the North Shore.  We found that customers were looking for higher quality product, therefore, to meet our customers needs, we decided to take growing into our own hands by purchasing Burnaby property in 1986 and building our own greenhouses. It is our passion and the knack for growing and design that has kept us in business for over 30 years.  As we continue to explore both creative design and technical growing, we will always strive to create better products.  We are the exclusive grower of Westminster Garden.
With our retail storefront and greenhouses both located in Burnaby, WIG is an accessible, reliable, and always trend setting place to find what you need for your garden.

Westminster Gardens

Western Independent Greenhouses ( WIG’S )  is the exclusive grower of Westminster Gardens  Plants.

When you see the label Westminster Gardens you can be assured of purchasing our quality products


Steve Whysall – Vancouver Sun – Simply Surreal Makes for Great Look
Steve Whysall – Vancouver Sun – Lovely Living Works of Art
Steve Whysall – Vancouver Sun – Pump It Up
Steve Whysall – Vancouver Sun – The Wonderful World of WIG